
Sunday, March 20, 2016

Grain fed vs Grass Fed Beef

Abbie W.

In today’s world it seems everyone is looking for a new way to eat healthy. From using Pinterest to try numerous new workout challenges to drinking soy milk versus your typical dairy milk. One question that arises is; whether grass fed beef is healthier for you than grain fed ground beef? Grass fed would be cattle that are entirely raised on forages and water. While grain fed cattle are fed forages along with concentrated mix rations. People automatically assume grass fed is better for you because it doesn’t have antibiotics or hormones in it or the extra fat from grain. The real accuracy is there are no antibiotics in any meat as USDA guidelines prohibit antibiotics in any animal product that is sold (this is another discussion though). There is really only one real study out there that has proven whether or not grass fed is better for you than grain fed. This study was done by the Texas A&M department of Animal Science who compared the cattle to risk factors for cardiovascular disease and type II diabetes.
The study proved that grain fed cattle were in fact not healthier for you than those fed grain. Much of Americans consume a high amount of their total beef intake through ground beef. This particular cut of beef is higher in fat than many other cuts but at the same time has the most health benefits in terms of fatty acids you need in your diet. Grass fed beef has three times the amount of Omega-3 fatty acids than that of grain fed beef. Omega-3 is a very important fat to your diet as it has many health benefits. Omega-3s have been shown to lower blood fats that cause heart disease. To continue, it can improve mental skills in children who have ADHD. However, one downfall of this is that it is higher in saturated fats along with trans fat. Trans fat has no benefits to your body, it is the unhealthiest ingredient you can have in your diet. Saturated fat is right behind that with the fact it is the biggest cause of high blood cholesterol and can lead to heart disease and stroke. Saturated fat is different in the fact it may not actually hold as much medical issues for those who are active and regularly eat healthy.

Ground beef from grain fed cattle was found to have significantly lower saturated and trans far. Where is higher in oleic acid. Oleic acid, other wise known as Omega-9, preserves the food and is often found naturally in avocados, olive oil, beef tallow or lard. Omega-9 is beneficial to those that have been diagnosed with diabetes or prediabetes, in relation to controlling the disease. Oleic acid is often used in bakery products or for skin cream and soap. It is great for helping prepared food remain safe for consumption. In conclusion, when it comes to choosing between grass-fed and grain- fed beef, the question should not be which is the healthiest but what health benefits you are looking for.

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